Steve Goble

Choose life. (Deuteronomy 30:19)

On my quest to finish reading the bits of the Bible that I’ve never read before, today I finished Nehemiah. It’s rather different to the other books I’ve read, because so much of it is told in the first person. We get insights into the working of Nehemiah’s mind, as he sets out to achieve the impossible, or at least the very very improbable, task of rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall.

Towards the end I was really rooting for this guy. It seems that every time the Bible presents us with an easy-to-pigeon-hole good guy, by the end of their life they go and get all arrogant and blow it. I was really hoping that this guy would not fall into that category. Today I read the last chapter of Nehemiah and, sure enough, he gets all zealous and starts threatening and attacking people.

Darn it.


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