Last September Tiger, Kan, Wei and myself all went along to one of the Salvation Army's Korean-language church services.
Well, Kan is now gone, but some of us from the hostel are still attending.
And it's a bizarre experience. Listening to apparent gibberish for so long, including standing-up as though you're joining-in with the crowd and singing.
Afterwards they serve a free Korean meal, and after that there are sometimes games. That's even more bizarre. Standing watching all these people tear up and down the hall, with no idea why they're doing what they're doing with those large props, and also knowing that in moment, the team will be depending upon you to do likewise, with no idea even what exactly it is that you're supposed to be trying to do!
It's full of surprises, in a good way.
Today, after the service, I learnt that everyone was to be driven half-an-hour outside of town to a farm for a BBQ.

A lovely afternoon spent taking photos of people, many of whom I didn't really know, and getting a chance to remind myself of my quad-bike riding skills! ;)

Afterwards we went for a walk down at the black-sanded Takapu Refuge.

Now this is the sort of scenery New Zealand is known for.

Gannets. Well-organised. Spot the egg.
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