The inside front-cover is a one-page black-and-white strip entitled the SECRETS of SPIDER-MAN'S COSTUME!
The first strip is part 1 of In the Hands of the Hunter! by Jean Thomas with art by Winslow Mortimer, Don Heck and Mike Esposito.
Spidey has to take a break from filming The Electric Company to go home and get some more web-fluid. Unfortunately, there he's attacked and captured by Kraven the Hunter.
When Jennifer of the Jungle arrives at Parker's flat (I guess she must know his secret identity) the only witness is Paul the gorilla, who's been hiding in Spider-Man's wardrobe the whole time.

He mimes what he saw, before he and Jennifer head-off to follow Kraven to his hideout in the jungle park at the city zoo.
Then there's A Spidey Bonus Page! entitled Let's Pay A Visit To Peter Parker's Place. This is a splash page showing where Peter hides all his Spider-gear to avoid Aunt May finding it.
Part 2 of the main strip then sees Spidey, Jennifer and Paul defeating Kraven the Hunter, and returning to the TV studios.
Next up is another TV script adaptation (originally by John Boni) entitled Spidey vs. Mister Measles. Mr Measles, if I'm not labouring the point, wants to give everyone in the world chickenpox. No, wait, I'm wrong, measles. His reasoning is that the whole world will then have to go home to bed "in the dark, where they can't read!" Paradoxically he also challenges the reader "Have you had your measles shot?"

Spider-Man defeats Mr Measles, but only by making the ultimate sacrifice.
Still, he's recovered by The Long Arms Of The Law-Breaker, which is a pretty good rematch against Doctor Octopus. The five-page Part 1 – Doc Ock Gets Out! features the six-armed vilain escaping from prison, recounting his origin and then breaking into a museum.
Then there's a break for another Let's See Some More Of... Peter Parker's Place! splash-page, this time concentrating on Peter's web-fluid, here called web mix.
Part 2 – STOP the DOC sees Doc Ock robbing the museum and framing Spider-Man, doing a fine job of showing a battle from several different perspectives.

The inside back-cover is the black-and-white one page Reader vs. Speeder!, followed by a full-colour back-to-school poster-ad for The Electric Company featuring Spidey and the Short Circus.

(review of issue #1 here)
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