It’s easy to understand why the words “MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK” are so small on the above cover – this is a brilliant album in its own right.
“Weird Al” fits in all his regular genres – parody, polka, shaggy dog story – and spices them up with musical sketches from his movie that suffer little from the loss of their pictures.
To that end, this is that rarest of beasts – an album without a single dud track on it.
Spam is a parody of REM’s Stand. (you know how it goes already!)
The title track UHF isn’t really that funny, but it’s a powerful rock track that just sucks you in and takes you wth it.
By the time we’re into Attack Of The Radioactive Hamsters From A Planet Near Mars, there’s no doubt that this is Al at the top of his game.
And, as with all his best tracks, the whole thing is clean…
The Biggest Ball Of Twine In Minnesota brings a tear to your eye, it’s such an unpatronising trip back to childhood.
I got no bad things to say. 10 out of 10.
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