This is curious.
If you can stomach the slow 2-hour+ running time, one might even call it fascinating.
Left to their own devices, Clarke and Kubrick come out with a movie that steadfastly refuses to be pigeon-holed. Initially it looks to be all about an alien monolith, however midway through one realises that the exposition is taking far too long, and we are now in a different film about another subject entirely – artificial intelligence.
And then there’s the last section – deliberately provocative and nonsensical. Like the final episode of The Prisoner, I think it deliberately means nothing in order to feed off of the viewer's presumption that it’s a film, so surely it must mean something, right???
I could watch this film’s awesome pondering documentary-like visuals for hours. In fact, hang on, I just did.
I have to say I enjoyed this, for its amazing visuals and uncompromising narrative, but, fairly, I’m also a bit relieved that it’s out of the way now.

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