So it’s come to this – after all my complaining about modern Doctor Who, when watching the original series now, I feel like I have to compare it.
Well, here we go, and let’s be fair here, this was a story set on Earth, that featured zombies.
In fact, it’s hard to review this story, because one major difference with the modern stuff was that it made very little effort to engage me. It was set on a gas refinery, after all.
What they did do a good job of was writing out Victoria. This was really dwelt upon for a change, and one really felt for both parties when she was left behind at the end.
Once more this was a reconstructed story, marrying home audio recordings off the TV with still photos and any odd clips that happen to have survived. (either cut from the Australian broadcast, or from the original BBC transmission)
Afterwards on the tape I was surprised to see the opening credits start again, leading into an episode that began with the first Doctor returning to the TARDIS only to find a Dalek standing guard outside. I had no idea which episode I was watching. I did find out later, but at the time it was an unusual feeling – I genuinely had no idea where or when he was, or what would happen next.
Wow – it was like being a kid once more – discovering Doctor Who for the first time.

Labels: doctor-who, tv
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