God's love is meteoric,
his loyalty astronomic,
His purpose titanic,
his verdicts oceanic.
- Psalm 36:5-6a (Message)
Choose life. (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Hey there, and welcome to my online diary.
It's just an aide memoire of whatever I happen to have done lately, be that going on holiday or watching a movie.
Where I've said that I hate something, it's probably because I care about it enough to want better for it.
I am also a Christian, but I think everyone defines that box differently.
Agreement is not required, but friendliness helps. :)
In the event that you consider there to be a work of yours quoted on here which you'd rather wasn't, please do just let me know - thanks. In over nine years of blogging, just one person has done this, and I complied immediately. Images have been used according to 'fair use' laws.
Original blog contents copyright © 2004-2015 Steve Goble
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