Fairly clever and imaginative movie about orphaned kids, that appears to wish that it wasn't a vehicle for Jim Carrey.
Not that Carrey is bad in this – Carrey is always good – but the disturbing world into which his silly, and frankly unthreatening, character is inserted must have far darker villains with which to haunt our heroes.
That said, the progression of ever-changing characters and locations make this one film that holds the attention well. The inspiration with which Violet saves herself and Klaus from getting run-over by a train is lost however when she later weakly resigns herself to marrying Count Olaf.
The film also has a terrific ending, simply because it doesn't cop-out and do what most films do. Instead the conclusion is true to the movie's tone of addressing its viewer as an equal, and for that alone this is one motion picture that I was pleased to enjoy.
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