Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes
(This was a fluke - I must have been as jammy as digital TV)
(I am somewhat less shocked with regards to the following...)

Which Doctor Who are you? Your Result: You are the Third Doctor! A gentleman of class, but you're trapped. You do occasionally escape, but you don't have the knowledge to stay there. | |
You are the First Doctor! | |
You are the Fourth Doctor! | |
You are the Seventh Doctor! | |
You are the Sixth Doctor! | |
You are the Fifth Doctor! | |
You are the Eighth Doctor! | |
You are the Second Doctor! | |
Which Doctor Who are you? |
What Kind Of Whovian Are You? Your Result: Good natured jumper wearer when two fans get chatting in the line for autographs at a convention, youre the one that flinches when the other swears. you own a cat called sutekh. | |
Frothing fanboy | |
Classic series n00b | |
Hard Living Demon Fan | |
New series n00b | |
Laddyfan | |
What Kind Of Whovian Are You? Make a Quiz |
Labels: activities, diary
2 comment(s):
This comment is only here to exact revenge upon Rhett.
Now that's what I call a proper internet quiz! Super accurate too...
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