Flatmate Dave and I have been working our way through Weird Al’s 24-track DVD, and I think the thing that really comes across for me is the sheer level of planning that’s gone into these.
Many bands simply film themselves wandering aimlessly about somewhere, intercut with shots of themselves merely performing, but Weird Al’s videos are each an epic in their own right.

For example, Eat It parodies Michael Jackson’s Beat It apparently down to the last shot.

And then you get a cheap little video like Bob which is all in one take, and appears to have been quickly shot just to tick another one off of his list. (that’s not a criticism by the way!)

I have also discovered on here my favourite video of all time - Smells Like Nirvana. It’s the most random video I’ve ever seen.
But don’t take my word for it – click here to watch it and form your own opinion.
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