I'm reading Tony Hawks' autobiographical book Round Ireland With A Fridge on my days off at the moment. It's very good.
It's the true story of how Tony took on a bet to hitchhike around the circumference of said country, with a fridge in tow, within one calendar month.
There is much that appeals to me about this.
1. It's silly, and Tony 'gets' the value in that.
2. Tony Hawks knows how to find all the other the silliness in his adventures, and turn it into polished comedy. I've just read the part in which he disembarks a guest-house to take the fridge scuba-diving, which is just marvellous.
3. It's very encouraging. Tony's on a quest to achieve something impossible, and I feel just like that, building a new life against the odds here down under.
And I need all the encouragement I can get.
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